
Emily is a service provider for the Crime Victim Assistance Program and Island Kid's Cancer Association. Please contact her if you are seeking services through one of these programs. 

Complimentary Consultation (online)

Please book a 15 minute tele-health appointment to learn more about counselling with Emily. This is a great opportunity to mutually decide if you and Emily are a fit to work together. Parents and children are welcome for this appointment. If you prefer a phone call opposed to tele-health consultation please make a note when you schedule your appointment. Emily can call you at your scheduled time.Rate: Complimentary

Child Counselling (in-person, age 12 and under)

Children are engaged with directive, non-directive, and evidence-based practices and interventions while in counselling.

Emily's office is intentionally designed and equipped with quality supplies to work with young children. A therapeutic playroom contains carefully selected materials and toys that allow children to express themselves in a variety of ways. 

Many caregivers hear about play and expressive-based therapy but are unsure how it can help. In a counselling relationship and with the help of therapeutic materials children can express themselves, increase their awareness, learn new choices to re-pattern their nervous system to change unwanted behaviour, and translate their learnings outside the playroom. Emily also draws from directive approaches such as CBT and DBT. 


50 minute Child Counselling Session

Parent Support (online)

Before Emily will work with a child under the age of 13, she will require a 50 minute tele-health Parent Support appointment to begin the process. In this appointment Emily will support parent(s) in setting age appropriate goals for counselling and defining how mastery of the therapeutic goals might be demonstrated. Emily will also discuss parent involvement in the process. In most cases, Emily recommends parent(s)/legal guardian(s) schedule at least one monthly 50 minute Parent Support appointment to check-in while their child is attending counselling. 


50 minute Parent Support

Family Support (Parent-Child or Sibling)

Emily offers Family Support sessions for established clients who may benefit from having their parent(s)/guardian(s) or a sibling participate in counselling with them to address a specific concern. Emily often will require the parent(s)/guardian(s) or sibling receive some information and coaching prior to the family session. Emily will work to understand triggers, window of tolerance, regulatory capacity, and emotional availability. The purpose of the coaching is to prepare the parent to be an active participant in the session, provide information about play/ discussion, and teach new skills. Established clients may request a Family Support session or Emily may recommend scheduling a 50 minute Family Support session. Rate: 50 minute Family Support Session

Teen Counselling (age 13 and above)

Emily is currently not accepting new teen clients at this time.