Privacy Policy
The following is the Privacy Policy of Emily Falkiner Counselling. It exists to inform you of your rights around the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information, under British Columbia’s Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA). This Privacy Policy is subject to change.
According to PIPA, this refers to “information that can identify an individual” and “information about an identifiable individual.” Emily Falkiner Counselling will collect and use such information only as needed and as is relevant to the provision of counselling, parenting support appointments or consultation services.
Your personal information may be used by Emily Falkiner Counselling:
to provide counselling services, parent support, or consultation
to respond to phone calls, emails or provide resources to augment your experience
to support the initial steps to begin the counselling process
to save payment methods and collect payment
Emily treats all aspects of your personal information great care and takes active steps to protect your information. Emily securely records and stores client/clinical information using her online practice management system, Jane App, a North Vancouver-based company which has secure servers in Eastern Canada.
Credit card information is requested to remain on file to pay for sessions. Clients who prefer to not have a credit card on file are welcome to contact Emily to remove this requirement from their profile and make an alternative arrangement. No credit card information is stored in Jane. When you enter credit card information into Jane, Jane creates and keeps a token that can be used to reference that information. The actual sensitive information is sent to and stored in Stripe, who holds the highest security certification in the industry. More information about the protection of this information may be found here:
Examples of the information collected and why it is collected is described below.
Prior to your Complimentary Consultation, Emily will ask you to set up a profile in Jane App that will ask you:
Email address
Phone number
How did you hear about us
Date of birth
Your Complimentary Consultation will occur via telehealth on Jane App which meets industry-standard privacy and security measures. The purpose of the Complimentary Consultation is to support determining whether Emily Falkiner Counselling services are suitable for you and/or your family.
Before the first full counselling appointment you will receive the following forms: Consent, Fee Agreement, and New Client Information form.
Emily will need to determine a few important details (not limited to the following):
Your home address to confirm you are a resident of BC where her BCACC registration is valid.
In the event of an emergency during a session, an emergency contact is requested that Emily may call.
Your email address to send receipts and appointment reminders. Clients can update their communication preferences in their profile on the Jane App.
The names and ability to contact all legal guardians of a child seeking counseling services. If there is a parenting agreement in place or a court order, Emily will request those documents before meeting with a child.
Any information you choose to share about your personal situation, past or present, for the purpose of providing counselling and collaborating with you on a treatment plan may be included in your personal information. You have the right to decide how much you would like to share about your personal situation, past or present. Emily writes brief notes during and/or after each session to mark change and growth.
Social Media
Please note that Emily does not accept "Friend Requests" nor "Follow" clients' personal accounts (current or former) on social media. If clients message Emily on social media accounts, she is unable to respond. This is to respect your privacy as well as Emily's privacy.
Emily's website exists primarily for those interested in beginning counselling or parent support an opportunity to find out more information about her services.
Email is not considered a secure and confidential way of communicating. For the protection of your privacy, please do not email information you would not be comfortable discussing in a public space. Emily is able to confidentially discuss your concerns in a session or appointment. Please be aware email exchanges are part of your personal record. If emails are your preferred way of communicating, you are accepting the risks associated with transmitting information this way. Please use discretion about what information is shared.
Computer, phone, and Ipad
Emily uses her computer, smart phone and iPad to conduct sessions, correspond via email, receive payments and issue receipts, write session notes, update website, and perform administrative tasks related to running a private practice. Emily's devices are password-protected and stored in a secure location. Emily uses private WI-FI connections when working. All "apps" and websites that Emily uses to run her business (i.e. Jane App, Google Apps) are password-protected.
Emily is rarely able to answer her phone due to the nature of her work so most calls will go to voicemail. Clients or potential clients: please only leave a phone number where you are comfortable being contacted and having a message left for you. Email is preferrable for scheduling purposes. Please use discretion about what information is shared.
Text messages
Like email, text messaging is not considered a private means of communication. Please be aware that text communication is part of your personal record. If it is clear that you are seeking and consenting to a texted response, Emily may respond. Please use discretion about what is shared.
Waiting room and home office
Emily’s office, while private, is located in a suite with other independent offices. The suite has a shared waiting room. When entering and leaving the office clients may or may not see another individual in the waiting room, who may or may not be a client of Emily Falkiner Counselling. If there is a privacy concern for you, please inform Emily so she may make alternative arrangements with you for entering or exiting her office. Emily has a home office for phone and video sessions. This is a single-use room with a door that is closed during sessions and when working with any form of confidential documentation.
Public spaces
If we meet in public, it is your choice to acknowledge me. If you do, I will return the hello. The risk of saying hello to me is that even though I will not introduce you to the people I am with, they may conclude you are/were a client of mine.
Emily’s notes are intended for her own use only to support the counselling process and track growth.
You may have the right to view your own file, or portions of your file, if this information is still available. Upon receiving a written request for this information, Emily has 30 days to respond to your request (unless she is out of the office or recently returned after an extended period of time away).
As per PIPA, any information either given by third parties, or about third parties that is contained in a client file, is required to be blacked out, to preserve the third party’s privacy. Preparation time for information may be billed in 5-minute intervals according to Emily Falkiner’s current fees for paperwork laid out in the fee arrangement and signed prior to beginning counselling.
If you have undertaken family counselling, and one or more parties wants copies of a file, the written and signed consent of all parties is required in order to release information.
If Emily believes that the release of information would result in harm to the client or another party, Emily Falkiner has the right under PIPA to refuse the release of a copy of the file.
Emily will keep information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose of counselling and will destroy or erase personal information as soon as it is no longer serving the purpose for which it was collected and is no longer necessary for legal purpose.
The information above is subject to periodic revision and changes. If you have any questions about this policy, please contact Emily Falkiner directly at
If a client has concern for the manner in which Emily collects, uses or discloses your personal information, please advise Emily Falkiner first in writing or verbally. If you are not satisfied with Emily’s response and action, you may file a complaint against Emily with the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors.